Friday, February 10, 2012

I Always Know My [Krav] Is Near

Wow. I've felt pretty lately.

Thank you to my friend Nick for making sure I was able to share in the glory of this video:

I can't even begin to say what is my favorite part of this. It's just one whole piece of ... awesome?

On a related note, I was dragged out to a Saturday morning Krav class last weekend by Claire — a sort of bittersweet last chance to use each other as punching bags before she officially moved back to France. I never do Krav on the weekends, in part because I generally don't have a reason to be out that way on a non-work day, and mostly because I'm lazy and like to sleep in on the days I can. Like, sleep in until noon. And the classes are at 10, 11, 12 and it takes an hour to get there from my tiny apartment via MUNI. Incompatible with my personal sleeping goals.

However, I think that I will be going again tomorrow morning. And why? Because after Krav I have a whole range of possible options to cross off my Big Eat checklist.

Is it a bad thing to use food as an incentive to work out? Wait, isn't that what half of us work out for in the first place?

Good. At least I'm on par with everyone else.

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